Tia is a wonderfully happy and bubbly Yorkie x, she is approximately 8 years old and was rescued by her owners 6 years ago. In February 2014, Tia was knocked by another dog whilst our exercising resulting in right hind lameness which resolved with rest and painkillers. She had a repeat incident in June 2014 which also resolved.
In May 2015, she returned home lame following exercise. X-rays revealed no abnormalities and the diagnosis was cruciate ligament injury of her right stifle. Despite painkillers and rest, Tia was not recovering and her owners were extremely concerned about her lameness.
I met Tia in November 2015, she was continually holding up her right hindlimb and was walking and trotting on 3 limbs. There was marked muscle loss to her right thigh. On examination, there was severe right stifle crepitus (noise) and Tia was unable to fully extend her right hip. She was also sore and tense in her neck.
Following her initial treatment, her owners reported that Tia slept for the remainder of that day, through the night and the following morning! After which time she began walking normally approximately 50% of the time. There was a less dramatic improvement following her second treatment but by her fifth treatment she was walking normally 90% of the time and hopping 10%. Tia’s owners reported continued improvement as treatment continued.
Currently, Tia is receiving acupuncture treatment at 12 weekly intervals and is sound, she is delightful!
Tia’s Owner Writes:
‘We are so pleased with the result of your treatment Emma of Tia, she has improved dramatically from the start of acupuncture on her right leg and is walking and running in the garden.’ Jane