
Jeffrey Dog Acupuncture treatmentMost animals respond well to acupuncture. In many cases, the animal will not feel the needles being placed or only a small pricking sensation is felt on insertion. Once the needles have been placed most animals relax and may even fall asleep.

shutterstock_129068186Very fine, disposable needles are used, usually 8 to 12 are inserted and left in place for 10-20 minutes depending upon the individual.

An initial acupuncture appointment will take approximately an hour, with follow-up treatment sessions taking about 30 minutes.

Normally treatment is recommended once a week for 3-6 weeks, after which time the intervals between sessions will be increased to monthly or 6 weekly intervals, depending on the individual response.

Most insurance companies cover the cost of acupuncture treatment, please contact them prior to treatment to check your policy terms and conditions.


Emma Hedderson Veterinary Acupuncture provides acupuncture to horses, dogs and cats across Herts, Beds, Essex and Cambs.

If you are interested in booking an appointment for your cat, dog or horse, or would like more information please contact Emma by clicking here.